Ramblings Of A Soap Maker

It's that time.....

Well, for starters, Clary Sage essential oil went through the roof on price ~ so that's discontinued.  I'm pretty sure you are not going to pay triple for a bar...

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It's that time.....

Well, for starters, Clary Sage essential oil went through the roof on price ~ so that's discontinued.  I'm pretty sure you are not going to pay triple for a bar...

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Soapy Abundance & Bubbly Gratitude

There has been a lot of talk in the last decade of Gratitude & Abundance, and we bought the talk and try to be positive and speak and behave in...


Soapy Abundance & Bubbly Gratitude

There has been a lot of talk in the last decade of Gratitude & Abundance, and we bought the talk and try to be positive and speak and behave in...


Farmers Market

    If you have a farmers market near you, take the time to visit and look at the bounty, taste the bounty, smell the wonderful aroma of mints, coffee,...


Farmers Market

    If you have a farmers market near you, take the time to visit and look at the bounty, taste the bounty, smell the wonderful aroma of mints, coffee,...


What is the big deal about Nature's Emporium So...

What's the big deal about our soap? The lather is creamy, the bubbles are big, the soap bar is huge (Almost a half pound of Soap!) They are wrapped with...


What is the big deal about Nature's Emporium So...

What's the big deal about our soap? The lather is creamy, the bubbles are big, the soap bar is huge (Almost a half pound of Soap!) They are wrapped with...


How do I come up with names and fragrances?? Ma...

One of the most asked questions we get is, "How do you come up with all these names and fragrances??"  Sometimes I am inspired by art, sometimes it is the...

How do I come up with names and fragrances?? Ma...

One of the most asked questions we get is, "How do you come up with all these names and fragrances??"  Sometimes I am inspired by art, sometimes it is the...

New Moons ~ New Beginnings

I love the New Moon ~ it is kinda a do-over event for me! Whatever I didn't get right the last month, I feel like the New Moon re-boots, re-sets,...


New Moons ~ New Beginnings

I love the New Moon ~ it is kinda a do-over event for me! Whatever I didn't get right the last month, I feel like the New Moon re-boots, re-sets,...