This is the season for loving...

Maya and I met for breakfast this morning ~ we had a lovely spinach, mushroom, egg combination at a local restaurant and of course I had coffee, What is life without coffee? I went up to the server to get a warmer on my coffee, her kitchen hands were a mess and she wanted to charge me for the refill, seventy five cents. "I just wanted a warmer, not a refill" She yelled at me. I cussed.  

We went out by the river and walked in the Autumn leaves ~ I started to settle down, I heard a man on his cell phone cussing and saying he was just tired and didn't want to discuss this subject anymore. He cussed.

The Balloon festival is in town, our sky is full of beautiful balloons. The Harvest Moon is starting to glow and I swear I heard the Bruja's with their hocus pocus and it made me wonder if maybe it's all the green chile & lemon we eat this time of year that set us on edge.

I made jokes while I waited for my favorite fabric girl to cut my fabric, she was breathing heavy like she had a cold. Well, she didn't like my jokes much...maybe she just needs some romance.

We came to the shop and started to work in the leisurely the way we do on Saturdays. I looked at the healing mountain in front of me and knew I must be blessed. I told the mountain a joke, she laughed. She in fact tossed me a pear and told me to hang in there. 

Maybe I am delusional in thinking if we just loved each other a little more and treated one another like the Goddess we are, and were just a little more patient with our MAN! we might be able to spread that love everywhere so everyone would have a nice face. I dunno. Pretty soon, we are going to be putting out candy canes and cookies for Santa and well, that's supposed to be a joyous season too.

Let's try to be a little more patient with one another during this next few months, take more baths, have a little fun... I mean, I may be one sweet hippy, but love the state of euphoria and as long as I'm preaching, try to find me on a mountain morning, dancing in the rain and drinking my hazelnut mocha.

Have a great day, if you are bored... See if you can find the 18 soaps I mentioned in this blog. lol


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Oh yes. An outhouse is is very scary when you are a kid. All sorts of bugs and sdepirs!I think Thailand bathrooms in general are cleaner than those in China. Bangkok is one of my favorite cities, and I can’t wait to go back. Love the food.


Beautiful message with a clever slant. I had fun re-reading the message to find the 18 soaps! I hope you are having a fabulous Halloween weekend!

Cheers from Virginia


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